Trail Clean up March 2009
March 26, 2009 - Saturday morning March 21st was a clear warm pleasant spring day. Some hundred plus volunteers showed up at Equestrain Park for what has become an annual River Mountains Loop Trail clean up. The group split up into three groups and cleaned three different areas along the trail. There was also a Boy Scout Troop/cub pack which worked within the Equestrain Park picking up trash.
I had volunteered to work in group#3 which went to a new area of trail at the City of Henderson – National Park Service boundary near Lake Las Vegas. The lands are actually managed by the Bureau of Reclamation. This area was an old rock gravel pit/mining area, target shooting, illegal camping, etc. and has not been clean up in 10-yrs easy.Â
We had a great group of 16 hard working people including 11 Navy recruits soon to ship off to boot camp. We probably covered the shortest distance of any group, but collected the most heavy duty trash. We picked up buckets of glass, concrete, tires, railroad ties, car parts, mattresess, tree limbs, and much much more.
We really appreciate our trail volunteers. THANKS A MILLION!!!!