Oct. 27th 2008 – Hey all RMLT trail users. We have a brand new trail head open and being used without a name? How did that happen? We are looking for a few good names which would locate and identify the trailhead, or not. The trail head is located off Lake Mead Parkway or maybe its Lake Shore Drive within Lake Mead Recreation Area – NPS. It’s paved, has a restroom, has a kiosk, and equestrian parking, etc. it just doesn’t have a name yet.  We’ve had several ideas within the advisory council, but none have stuck just yet. Here are several being kicked around:
- Entry Station Trail head 🙁
- Mountain View Trail head – you can see lots of mountains from this site. 🙂
- Lake Mead Trail Head – but very trail in Lake Mead has a Lake Mead trailhead. 🙁
- Lakeview Trail head – can’t see the lake from here anymore.
- others….
Give us your suggestions……..