January 25, 2010 – This last Saturday my wife and I went hiking MM 6.5 to 4.5 along the trail. This project has a minor detour in the trail to watch for. It appears that the project is nearing the completion phases. A huge berm/dam has been built above the trail not far from the Harve St. entry. It also appears that this project cuts off any vehicle access into the back country that locals have been using to riding on for the last 50+ years. Besides the huge basin; the project has built small dams/berms in the mouth of almost every canyon or drainage coming out of the River Mountains all the way south to SNWA Water Treatment Plant and then connected them all with a concrete lined channel most of which is currently fenced. Below is a photo of the channel taken just north of SNWA Plant looking north.
May 5th -2009 – It was noted during a safety tour of trail in Henderson that the tortiose fencing discussed below has been moved back from the trail where it is no long a safety issue. The truck crossing now has stop signs up and there are lots of trucks hauling gravel on an hourly basis so beware.
March 2, 2009 – Over the last week or so fencing has gone up along the trail for about 100-yards. BEWARE this could be a safety issue. We are working through the City and the contractor to be sure all safety measures are in place. The tortiose fencing has also blocked off an ATV off-road vehicle path to the foothills which has been pushing them on to the trail. Please notify HPD if you see this happening at 267-5000(option #1 – give description and direction).

Tortoise fence edge of trail 2/09
January 20th, 2009 – A brief update. At last weeks Planning Commission meeting the variance was approved to allow the rock crushing operation to move ahead. Commissioners found it less of an impact to crush on site than remove material through the neighborhoods. Rock crushing activity to start Feb. and last up to 18 months. My hope is they are good neighbors for the trail and its users. Lets keep our eyes open…
December 10th, 2008 – Starting week of 12/15/08 construction equipment will start arriving and setting up for the construction of Henderson’s Northeast C-1 Detention Basin located just east of the trail in the foothills of the River Mountains. Construction activity will be near mile marker 6.5 and 7.0.   The contruction period is for 15 months or until about March 2010. “So beware of equipment crossing the trail and rocks on the trail”
The contractor is “Capriati Construction Corp.” Along with the detention basin there will be a rock crusher on site processing aggregate for the work. Per maps available from the City a channel will run along the foothills east of the trail to collect run-off from the mountains sending it to the detention basin; from there an outfall will go under the trail in undergo round pipes to the C-1 channel following the Ithica St. alignment. Ithica St. is supposed to be the ingress/egress access for this project.
The project manager for the City Public Works assures us that they will keep the area watered down for dust and will clear the trail daily of any rocks. If problems develop or the trail deteriorates please let us know by calling either 267-4050 or 365-2191.

Detention basin Map 2008