K-rails before BSA eagle project nov. 2008
September 2009- Update on recent Eagle project along the RMLT. Spring of 2009 an eagle scout project was coordinated with the City of Henderson Parks Dept. and the Bureau of Reclamation. The project involved a large number of scouts and parents. The scout involved worked with the city to spray paint k-rails located at the Equestrian Park bridge. The K-rails were sprayed with a strain that resembles “desert varnish” and gives the concrete K-rail a more desert rock color.

K-rails painted by Eagle scout june 2009
This is just one example of a very successful Boy Scout Eagle Project that I’m aware of. Since the trail loops through many jurisdictions it is best to contact each entity directly to coordinate a project, or leave a comment below on a project you would like to do and I’ll forward to the appropiate person. The Bureau of Reclamation has several benches and signs needing installed on a portion of the Historic Railroad Trail, call Jason at 702-293-8171. The City of Henderson Parks and Recreation Dept. often have need of Eagle Scout project support. Check with Jennifer Magby, Outdoor Recreation Coordinator, at 702-267-4050.
Boy Scouts here is a heads up. Working with Federal Land managers takes time, so start early and allow plenty of time to coordinate and plan your project. It is a great experience.!
List of potential trail projects: Place benches and signs; trash clean up events; tree and shrub planting at specific locations; desert re-vegetation projects; wayside installations & interpretative sites; illegal road & trail restoration;  etc.
 Project gallery before and after:
- K-rails painted by Eagle scout june 2009