September 2009 – Update on recent project along the RMLT. Spring of 2009 an eagle scout project was coordinated with the City of henderson Parks Dept. and the Bureau of Reclamation. The project involved a large number of scouts and parents. The scout involved worked with the city to spray paint k-rails located at the Equestrian Park bridge. The K-rails were sprayed with a strain that resembles “desert varnish” and gives the concree K-rail a more desert rock color.
Nov. 19, 2008 – A recent inquiry got me to thinking about how Boy Scouts could become involved in Trail activities. There has to be numerous potential projects for eagle scouts to plan and complete along the RMLT. Everything from re-vegetation projects, to sign installations, to development of waysides, shade structures, directional signs to trash clean up projects. Most project I recall need to be completed when possible in one days effort. Since most of the River Mountains Loop Trail is on Federal lands these projects will need to be coordinated with the proper federal agency. I think the RMLT Advisory Council can help coordinate this program development.