BMI Water Pipeline along Trail 102409
October 26, 2009 - I get this question every once in awhile, so here is the answer. No it’s not oil or sewage. It is the first water pipeline in the Las Vegas Valley. Built during World War II to provide water to the Basic Management Industrial complex in Henderson (BMI). The pipeline still provides all the water needs for the BMI plants and a portion of Henderson water needs also. Basic Water Co. operates and maintains the pipeline. Near trail mile marker #13 is a water guzzler providing water for wildlife and a very large cottonwood tree sometimes referred to as the “Magic Tree” by local riders. BMI, Basic Water co. and LandWell Development have been long time trail partners in the development of the River Mountains Loop Trail. Approximatley ten miles of the trail is located within the BMI water pipeline corriodor. So as you hike, walk, run and ride along the pipeline you are riding along a historic pipeline which brought the first Lake Mead Water to the Las Vegas Valley.

BMI water line MM 13 102409