Dec. 16, 2010 – Boulder city, NV. – According to a report in the Las Vegas Sun this a.m. a mountain lion was recently sighted near Keyes Drive in Boulder City. Keys Drive going east turns into the Old Historic Railroad Grade/trail which in turn becomes part of the River Mountains Loop Trail system.  Mountain Lions have always been part of the wildlife mix in the River Mountains, just not seen that often. These big cats have a taste for Desert Big Horn Sheep and the River Mountains are home to one of the largest reproducing herds in the State of Nevada. The LV Sun goes on to report that yearling cats are often booted out of their home this time of year to fend for themselves, so they are looking for their own territory to roam and hunt.
Mountain Lion file photo….
- Mountain Lion file photo….
National Park Service Advice for Mountain Lion Encounters:
- Avoid behavior that may attract a mountain lion. Avoid hiking or jogging alone. Children shouldn’t run ahead on a trail.
- If you see a mountain lion:Â Remain calm. Never run.!!! Report the sighting to the Nevada Department of Wildlife at 702-486-5127.
- If you encounter an aggressive mountain lion: Do all you can to appear large and threatening. Hold your ground. Wave your arms. Shout. Throw rocks if the lion approaches.
If you have a cell phone and feel in immediate danger, call 911.
Note: Since 1999 when the trail became operational, this is the first reported sighting near the trail.