May 25, 2010 - Secretary Salazar Announces Designation of 31 New National Recreation Trails in 15 states. The River Mountains Loop Trail is the only Nevada trail designated in 2010. The designation announcement comes the week before National Trails Day on June 5th this year. The 35-miles of the River Mountains Loop Trail is part of the 716 miles of newly designated National Recreation Trails this year.Â
Quote from Salazar news release: “From Coast to coast, the National Trails System helps connect American families with the wonders of the great outdoors. These new national recreation trails, built through partnerships with local communities and stakeholders, will create new opportunities for fitness and stewardship while creating a lasting legacy for our children and grandchildren.”Â
Link to news release:

River Mountains Loop Trail Logo is a Desert Big Horn Sheep with mountain backdrop with rising Sun/moon
The 35-mile loop is nearing completion with only 2.5 miles remaining to close the loop. The last segment is funded, designed, and waiting final right-of-way clearance before starting consturction later this year. This last segment is expected to be completed by the end of 2010. The non-motorized trail is used heavily each weekend and through out the week by cyclist, walkers, joggers, dog walkers, and equestrain riders. It is also becoming a destination trail for out-of towners wanting to experience the desert southwest in a more natural state.
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Happy trails to all…..John