Nov. 20, 20009 – The winter 2009 edition of Rails to Trails is out and it feature The Historic Railroad Trail At Lake Mead on the cover, plus a six page article and photos within. The photo shoot took place back in the spring which several of us from the River Mountains Trail Partnership participated in. Only Jim Holland’s photo made it into the article. Jim is the Lake Mead Park Planner and was deeply involved in the completion of the Historic Railroad Trail. I also interviewed twice with Ben Spillman, but of course was not quoted in the article either, such is the life of one who works behind the scenes.Â
Link to article:  Â
 The article is well written and certainly covers the many user groups who visit the trail on an annual basis. The history of how the trail was built makes another story which is covered elsewhere in this BLOG site.  Look under “History” category.
I have a few behind the scenes photos of part of the official photo shoot. You will also find detailed information, photos, and maps on both the Historic Railroad Trail and the River Mountains Loop Trail at
See Gallery below.
- Jim Holland & Trish Tunnel #5 Spring 2009