Desert Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis) – The smallest of foxes, the Desert Kit fox is about 30 inches from nose to tip of tail. It has very large ears and is gray and buff colored with a black-tipped tail. The bottoms of its fee are covered with fur to faciltate travel on sandy soil. Mostly nocturnal, the fox hunts rodents, lizards, birds, and insects. (the ocasional house cat).
Habitat -Likes open desert, on cresote bush flats, and amongst sand dunes if any. The Kit Fox is almost exclusively carnivorous. They are will adapted to desert living seldom needing water to drink. They get most their water from the food they eat, dining mostly on the Merriam’s kangaroo rat. They also like jack rabbits and desert cottontails. Kit foxes are active at night and stay in dens during the heat of the day.
 Note: It is rare to see one of these guys along the trail, but they are out there. The only one I have seen was a road kill, I wore his tail on my hiking hat for awhile.