The first mile from east to west is now paved and striped see photo below. The east bridge footing is also underway as shown in following photo. This is the good news. The bad news is construction is behind schedule due to some additional soil tests and borings required by NDOT in the pass area. We are now looking at a possible June/July opening date. Stay tuned.

#5 Paved & Striped looking west
March 20, 2009 – Bridge footings being dug & trail striping down on east end.

rmlt East bridge footing
Feb. 24, 2009 – Paving to Cascata Rd. done. This segment is not open to the public, but hey check it out. Bridge has been ordered and is about six weeks out. Rough grading from Cascata west to Railroad Pass has been done. Work currently on hold until retaining wall work in the pass area can be completed, test boring is now complete.

RMLT 5 paved Bootleg trail head veterans home
Feb. 12, 2009 – Great news today…Paving started Wednesday on the trail from Cascata Rd. back to the Veterans home. Grading continues toward railroad pass.
Photo of asphalt lay down on Feb. 11, 2009:

Segmetn #5 paving 2/11/09
Jan. 20, 2009 – Grading and drainage work is now approaching 93/95 where you can see the activity from the road. The following photos were taken last week showing work between the highway and the railroad tracks. This is where the construction gets tricky.
New photos of work here:

Construction pushes west to RR Pass Jan. 09
Nov. 20, 2008 – Construction work has started near the B.C. veterans homes and is moving west along the SNWA water line alignment about the railroad tracks. Work started in September with 240 day construction contract. The east portion of the project is fairly easy and straight forward, but gets more challengingmoving west. At the Cascada private road the contractor has ordered and has to place 150-foot pedestrian bridge over the roadway. Contuning west the trail turns down and crosses the railroad tracks then turns west again following an ever narrowing r.o.w. between uS 93/95 and the railroad. The trail curves around to the north and encouters multiple dips or drainage issues which require extensive rock retaining wall work in order to lift the trail up and allow drainage to continue underneath. The final leg of the section then drops down into the Railroad Pass Hotel trail head already existing from previously completed portions of the River Mountains Loop Trail by the City of Henderson.Â
I have included a few photos of current construction progress for your viewing pleasure. As you can see there will be fantastic views of the mountains and Eldorado Valley below.
The day the ribbon is cut for this trail segment opening will be a grand day in trail development for Southern Nevada.

RMLT #5 West Bridge footing