Street bike riders need to beware of rocks on trail at road crossings. Trail is swept once each week, but rocks appear daily.
The bulk of rocks found on trail result form illegal vehicle (ATV) activity on trail. I’m encouraging Trail Watch volunteers who are able to take a street broom with them and sweep rocks off trail when found. Parks maintenance can only get to trail once a week to sweep….I encourage all users to kick rocks off trail while walking and/or hiking, it will help all users have a safer experience.
January 26th 2009 – Time for an update on rocks on the trail. Vehicles riding on the trail are still the biggest problem. Rain run off adds small rocks and dirt on to trail and dogs. City of Henderson can only sweep every other week or so do to lay-offs and cut backs. We the users need to pick it up and sweep and remove rocks whenever possible. The photo below was a rock/gravel problem I ran across Saturday Jan. 24th, north of the Equestrian park bridge. We swept the problem. We need more eyes and ears out there. Trail Watch ph 267-4050.

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