October 22, 2009 – Historic Railroad trail is now open again to Hoover Dam.  Reclamation has improved the area that crosses the Police access road. We have striped a cross walk, and paved from the exit of the switchyard to the top of the switchback trail down to the parking garage.
ADDITIONAL WORK PLANNED FOR 2010 – The Bureau of Reclamation Work planned for 2010:
- Â install 2 drinking fountains
- Install 1 vault toilet
- Install a shade shelter and table
- Install benches along trailÂ
- Correct  two dips to bring up to accessibility grade
- open up the back trail loop,
- and develop a trail map complete with lengths, elevations, GPS.
In my opinon these announced improvements will make this one of the best and most unique trail experiences in the Western States. The back loop mentioned is more of the actual rail bed used to build the dam, which has been off limits to the public for years. With completion of the bridge next year and these improvements the trail experience will just get better and better.
OCTOBER 13th, 2009 -Starting tonight about sundown a contractor will be ripping out the Hoover Dam Police road to repave it.   Reclamation would appreciate it if NPS and River Mountains partnership ask people to be careful in the area where the Historic Railroad trail crosses the roadway to the POLICE substation.
The contractor will be paving the trail from the switchyard exit bollards to the top of the Zig Zag trail, painting a cross walk across the police roadway, and paving the short term drop off and pick up area.
The trail will still be open dawn to dusk as the contractor is working nights, dusk to dawn on the project. However, at times their will be some cones and tape to reroute the trail while they pave the trail areas. This is a 2 week project and should be completed by October 23, 2009.
Reclamation will provide you updates as they become available.

Hoover Switch & Police station work area 2009
(NOTE: This area is just before you enter the paved switch-backs down to the dam parking garage. Be safe and tell your friends.)